Friday, December 4, 2009

So this is it, "Teh Web Log."

Why the name and such an obvious misspelling? Well, as a whole, I've personally taken umbrage at the shortening of "web log" to "blog." Dunno why, but it's a similar concern that I tend to have at most portmanteaus. The worst transgressor in my mind is currently "homophobia." Technically, that means "fear of the same thing." Even lists the term as "homo(sexual)phobia.

Then there's my dislike of how many people tend to forget that words change meaning once they've even been conceived. A good example of this was more recently shown in a South Park episode involving the term "fag/faggots" and it's use towards annoying bikers. Like many words in the English language, the meaning tends to shift depending on the culture it's used in. Take "gay" for example. Once it meant "happy," then "homosexual" and now, it's becoming more of a pejorative. And can we please stop calling all "kid-touchers" "pedophiles?" If the victim is over 13, the perpetrator is actually an "ephebophile."

Then there's internet lingo... but that'll take me all night and already I'm sick of venting.

Maybe I should've just titled this blog "Grammar Nazi."

Oh, and the "teh?" Couldn't get "The Web Log."